Worship Service

What We Believe

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To complete the ordering process, use the Contact Form on the right to enter your Name and Address. Indicate which book you wish to order by entering the title in the Subject Line. Add any additional information in the Message section then hit "SUBMIT". Your book will be mailed to you within seven business days.


Contact Form

If you have questions about this ministry or wish to discuss your spiritual life with the pastor or another leader of the church you may contact them through phone or email (see below)


2130 Monostory Court, Pittsburg, CA 94565

PHONE: 1-925-432-1301

EMAIL: pastordan@therefinersministry.org


Healing Ministry

Mailing Address: 2130 Monostory Court, Pittsburg, CA 94565-4645

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Address Info

A Dependent Church in the Diablo Valley


The Refiner's Ministry